Sunday, September 23, 2018

Steve calls my bluff

Why was I walking into Terre Haute  Regional Hospital with Steve just waiting for him to tell me he really wasn't hurt?  It all started with some kind of ruckus most likely between he and Ben when Steve got a minor injury and was crying about it.  After the obligatory cry to prove Ben's guilt I was ready for some peace in the house and told Steve it was time to stop crying.  He wouldn't stop, he obviously did not look hurt to me but also had not finished crying- perhaps he was looking for just a bit more sympathy but I was not giving it.  So I hatched a plan, I told him if he was hurt that bad I would have to take him to the hospital.  This was sure to shut him up I thought.  But Steve agreed he needed to go to the hospital.  So what does a parent do who has over played his hand?  He keeps on over playing his hand.  So I put him in the car and said we are going to the hospital.  I looked at him to see if he was going to admit he wasn't hurt that bad- he's not saying anything.  So we start down the road toward the hospital, by now he is not crying and looking like he is enjoying the ride.  The hospital is not that far away and in just minutes we are in the parking lot- I am watching him to see if he is going to cave once he sees the big hospital building, he says nothing.  I figure he needs to be shocked into believing he is really going in there so I park and we get out of the car- I look at him, he says nothing.  "Alright Mister Cool Cat," I think,  "I will take you inside and watch you squirm".  We go inside, Steve isn't squirming, he seems genuinely interested in going into the place.  Now it's obvious to me "I know what you are thinking Mister Steve, you think I'm bluffing don't you?"  So I decide we need to get on the elevator and head to the third floor.  This will get him, doesn't he know a hospital is the place where germs abound, where gangrene legs get sawed off, and where tonsils are carved out of little kid's throats?  Any moment now and fear will grip him like a bear hug and he will tell me he is OK and beg me to take him home.  The elevator door opens to the third floor, I have no idea what is on the third floor,  I look down at Steve and he seems to be enjoying the elevator ride.  The game is up, I played my last card and it was a dud, I say to Steve "Let's go home"  he looks at me and says "OK".  We both save face, he doesn't admit he is not hurt, I don't admit the hospital run was a fraud, but somehow I felt a 6 or 7 year old got the best of me that day.

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