Sunday, September 23, 2018

Ben gets Joe Guiverra mad at me

Ben had lots of friends at Terre Haute Baptist School.   Why did he come home one day with a nasty scar on his head?   He was in a class with lots of competitive boys and he was right in there in the thick of it.  They battled it out in the classroom in academics and on the playground in soccer.  All was going well in the raising of First Born Super Child- destined for greatness of course, anyone could see it, right?  But that day when he came home from school with a scar on his head I first was puzzled then alarmed once he told me how it got there.  He said Andy Guiverra put the scar on his head,  I asked how it happened and Ben said Andy was slamming his head against the cement wall in the boys locker room.  According to Ben, Andy was doing this for no apparent reason.  Suddenly alarm bells went off in my head.  How was my First Born Super Child going to reach greatness if his head was being slammed into cement for Andy's entertainment?  How could this happen when Andy was much smaller than Ben?  Had I over taught the "turn the other check message"?  Where was the fight in this kid?  Maybe we should have let him play with toy guns like the other boys did.  Lots of thoughts raced through my head at that moment and I could tell this was one of those defining times in life when an important speech was called for by the main character  (I had seen this plenty of times in the movies).  So I sat Ben down and I told him his head was a very important part of his body because his brain was in there and you can't do anything without a brain.  I told him you don't let some kid slam your head into a cement wall and just helplessly let it happen, you fight back with all your strength.  In fact I told him if someone is hurting you bad you do whatever it takes to get them off you, even if it means kicking the kid in the privates to get him to stop, you do whatever it takes.  So I make sure Ben knows and understands what I am telling him, he assures me he understands.  I went to bed that night feeling I had added one more block to the building of a man even though he may only be in the first grade now, this is a life lesson for sure.  The next day Ben goes to school, finds Andy Guiverra and kicks him in the privates and tells him I told him to do it.  Andy goes home that night and tells his folks what Ben did and that I told him to do it.  Andy's dad Joe Guiverra is a hot head and a former Marine,  I'm not afraid of him but he does have a loud bark, plus he is my barber and I don't like knowing that he uses a razor on my neck to trim up after a haircut.  What if he just can't resist a little slip of the razor next time I go in for a haircut?  I call Joe, try to explain if from my viewpoint, he doesn't seem too mad so we consider it settled, but it is one of those things were you never feel the same about each other.  Then I have an exasperated talk with Ben, I did not instruct you to kick Andy like that, it was only if you were in trouble I told him.  Ben seems to understand but then I thought he understood the little talk the night before too.  This raising of a great person was not going as well as I thought it would, maybe I needed to lower my expectations from future US President to future US Senator or something.

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