Thursday, September 20, 2018

Daniel and the burning shed

Daniel and the burning shed- kind of has a biblical ring to it doesn't it?  Sort of like a cross between Daniel and the Lion's Den and Moses and the Burning Bush.  This story may have had a biblical origin because one Sunday after Church Daniel decided to burn something in the shed wood stove that he didn't want around anymore.  Which was fine, except I had been putting oily rags in the stove all summer knowing that the first burn of the winter in that stove would be a hot one.  And it didn't help that Daniel thought he needed to add a little lamp oil to the mix to make it burn better.  Neither did it help that I had a cardboard box of stuff sitting on the stove of which Daniel thought no consequence.  So with the match lit and the stove burning Daniel came into the house just in time for lunch.  During lunch David said "Whoa, there's smoke coming out of the shed"  to which Daniel replied "That's just from something I was burning in the wood stove"  to which David said "NO THERE IS A LOT OF SMOKE COMING OUT OF THE SHED!"  At this point I decided to take a look out the window and David was right, there was a tremendous amount of black smoke billowing out of the open shed door.  I raced out and saw that the inside of the shed roof was just dancing with fire.  I told someone to call 911 and I stretched out the garden hose to the shed.  Of course the hose was just barely long enough to reach the shed door but I stood back a little and sprayed away hoping to douse the fire.  However, the water seemed to evaporate before it could hit the flames, the shed was burning hotter and hotter and the water from the little garden hose had no affect on it.  The fire department got there quickly with a tanker truck and soon was drenching the inside of the shed with about 500 gallons of water.  The fire in the shed took notice of the fireman's hose, unlike my garden hose and instead of just burning hotter as when I sprayed it, it gave up and went out with barely a whimper.  All that was left now was the lecture from the firemen about fire safety and of course they had to find the illegal fireworks in the shed and I got a tongue lashing over that too, all the while remembering that they were the ones Daniel talked me into buying when we passed though Indiana a year or two ago.  My attitude toward Daniel was on the decline at that point, but my insurance company must have know he needed some help and gave me more money for that shed and it's contents than I ever dreamed possible.  Soon Uncle Bob was helping me build a garage with the payoff for the burned shed and Daniel's stock began to rise again.  In fact I think he looks at the garage rather proudly now knowing he had a hand in it and wouldn't mind a pat on the back from me for it.  Not sure I am quite that forgiving yet.

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