Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Janell and the mysterious ring

Where is that ringing sound coming from?  I couldn't figure out what I was hearing when the phone in the kitchen rang.  It sounded like another phone was ringing too, but that just couldn't be.  This happened in the good old days of the home phone, when cell phones were as big as a typewriter and cost more than the average person could afford.  It seems I heard the ring a couple other times but it was intermittent, so in the busyness of life I forgot about it.  Then one evening while sitting in the living room with Sandy, the kitchen phone rang with that extra ringing sound coming from somewhere and all of a sudden there was a "clunk" sound from the floor above- it was Janell's room.  We looked at each other and instantly knew something was going on with a mystery telephone and it had something to do with Janell.  I don't remember if the mystery phone was brought up to Janell and she admitted it or if Super Sleuth Mom did a room search the next day while Janell was at school.  But either way we found the phone.  It was unplugged and hiding in Janell's room, she must have been grabbing for it the night before to shut the ring up when it slipped and clunked on the floor.  Janell by some lucky chance had the only private kid's room in the house at that time, and it even had a working phone jack in it.   It also seems Janell had a boy friend or something like that- it is always hard to tell what really is going on when there is a lot of denying going on too.  And apparently they liked to talk on the phone.  This was against the rules in the oh-so-strict Barnhart household, so the phone was confiscated, Janell was lectured, and I even took a wire loose in the phone jack that was in her room so a phone would not work on that jack any more.  It would be many years before teenage kids had cell phones to make all the calls and texts they want and no amount of removing wires from jacks would prevent that.  Today I hear there are parental control programs to keep control over the calls and text messages, back then parental controls was more hands on with just plain old detective work.  Either way is was and still is the parent trying to keep the brakes on an eager teen who wants to join the adult world a little too early for the parent's liking,  If only Janell had a cell phone back then she might have gotten away with it.

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