Monday, September 24, 2018

Lisa and the disappointing marching band

Why were Ben, Daniel, and I at a motel in Indianapolis waiting for a marching band event that was not going to happen?  Well it all started when Lisa joined the highly acclaimed and successful Reeths-Puffer marching band.  I found out quickly that this was one winning band.  Mr. Hodson had a firm grip on those kids and they worked their butts off for the marching band every year.  This particular year was no exception and good old R-P won top state honors in their division again.  I was very impressed.  I had previously joined the old man's club sitting around lamenting the general lack of discipline, poor work ethic, and low moral character of today's youth when Mr. Hodson and the marching band blew those assumptions out of the water.  After the regular marching band competitions in Michigan the band was headed to Indianapolis to compete at a national level.  I decided Daniel and I would go down and watch and invited Ben along too.  We drove down and got a motel room in plenty of time for the second round of competition but we didn't have much information and this was early cell phone days so we were having some trouble getting information from Lisa as to when and where the next competition would be.  Finally we got through from the motel room phone to some one's cell phone who was near Lisa and found out they did not score enough points to go on to the next level of competition.  I never expected that, I thought the band was almost guaranteed to win every time they stepped out on the field.  Little did I know that the rest of the country had good bands too.  So we took stock of our situation, decided to drive over to Terre Haute where Ben and I could see the old town where we used to live and then head home, oh course Daniel came along to see how many fast food joints he could get me to stop at since he was not a natural born Hoosier.  It was another lesson in don't count your chickens before they hatch.

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