Tuesday, October 30, 2012

It's going to be an Obama Christmas

The policies of the federal government have trickled down to the lowest levels and now they have reached me.  I am looking at an Obama Christmas this year.  We now have trickle down poverty brought to us from the highest office of the land.  Hang up your stockings with visions of food stamp cards dancing in your heads.  Instead of snow piles we have deficit spending piling up around us.  And this year Santa looks a lot like Obama, he laughs and says "Blame George Bush" instead of "Ho Ho Ho".  The sleigh has been replaced by the Chevy Volt built by Government Motors.  But it has been catching on fire so make sure you don't leave any toys in it.  Well, if there were any toys that is- seems all the money went to subsidize solar energy companies that went bankrupt shortly after getting the money.  But that's OK because we have plenty of gasoline, at 4 bucks a gallon I guess it isn't selling as fast as it used to.  At least we still have public transit on the East coast so people don't have to buy that expensive gas.  Well we did until Hurricane Sandy.  But that was good because it gives Obama another quick chance to show how much he cares by promising a few hundred billion or so dollars for reconstruction right before the election.  Not too sure where this money is coming from, but certainly the 1%'ers can afford it.  So before I head on down to the unemployment office to see if I can get an extension, let me wish you a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! --Rick Momney.

PS don't forget to vote for my good friend Mitt Romney on election day!

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