Sunday, September 9, 2012

Good and Evil as I know it

How Evil lurked and hide from view
Amongst the Good I never knew
I can’t comprehend the fact
the light of Good didn’t push it back
and shine so brightly on the Evil
that a creature some call Devil
could quietly amass an army
a third of Heaven he was charming

Was the Good all knowing Being
acting like he wasn’t seeing?
so when the rebellion on him was thrust
the Good would  know who he could trust?
Then with a sweeping fiery hand
the Good flung out this evil band
The Devil streaked across the sky
a burning comet he did fly
his angels followed close behind
like falling stars of every kind

They landed on a barren Earth
before the Good had given it worth
they set up camp and all they had
was cursing Good and praising Bad
In time their focus came to be
upon a garden with a tree
a new creation there was formed
and most intriguing- Man was born
Created from the dust of Earth
Man breathed the breath of Good at first
Good loved the Man, the Man loved Good
They walked the garden in brotherhood

Evil eavesdropped near the garden
-never looking for a pardon
He planned to strike again some day
but harder stronger was his way
and now the thought that Man and Woman
could join his fight to conquer Heaven
filled the Evil one with glee
He tripped them up so wickedly
soon they were cursing Good with him
not knowing they were chained to sin
they thought that they were more alive
enlightened now they were so wise

The Good was taken back by Man-
Not one bit! Good had a plan
a daring rescue fueled by love
was coming down from Good above
The Good would send his very Son
to rescue Man- restore the one
whom he had formed from dust of Earth
and breathed in him his breath at first

So the Son came from the Good
He lived and loved just like he should
Evil told his wicked band
"let's kill the Son and ruin the Plan"
Evil danced upon the grave
of the Son who was so brave
the ground beneath the tomb did shake
the Evil one began to quake
the stone that once had sealed the dead
rolling- struck the the Evil's head
From that time and from that tomb
the Light of Good on Earth resumed
Evil saw the risen Son
but wouldn't believe the battle's done
he went on with wounded head
a crippled serpent not yet dead
he keeps charming Man to sin
His unlocked prisons keep Man in
He chains  to sin, he chains to pride
he chains man to worldly knowledge glorified
the love of money, power, pleasure
keep the Man from  finding true treasure
-which is the Son's redemption from above
the only way to restore love
between the Good and Man you see
is to come to Good on bended knee
and humbly turn from Evil's way
live like the Son by faith each day

Like a dove the Good sends down
a Spirit of Himself around
to settle in amongst the Men
who dare to leave the Evil's den
this Spirit teaches Man the way
of love and truth by gentle sway
these new Good Men they lurch and jerk
for in them both Evil and Good work
but mostly upward do they climb
seeking for the Good sublime
traveling to a higher ground
reaching for a Heavenly crown
a hope that doesn't fade away
but also isn't clear as day

But Evil still is plotting war
Hording dead more and more
for someday battle lines will form
when Evil once again will storm
the Good of Heaven to overthrow
with resurrected dead from below
rotting bodies he will patch
together pieces- no need to match
He'll give them life enough to move
but not enough to think or love
those who don't love the Son
are force to fight for the Evil one
this zombie army he will lead
against the Son on brilliant stead

The Son in shining robe of white
will lead his Faithful to the fight
the Faithful have no need to fear
the battle front will not come near
the Son will simply need to say
words of truth to Evil slay
then Evil will long last be dead
a blow of truth will crush his head
Evil's captives next will die
their second death- how sad they cry

The Faithful look at Good again
and know at last he is their friend
but Evil first had to be banished
before the healing could be finished
with no gulf between the Man and Good
they'll live in sinless brotherhood
once again the Man will breathe
the breath of Good and Man will leave
all pain and sorrow far behind
and enter into endless time.


  1. That is incredible. I love it Dad. Well, well done. Terrificly epic. I loved the zombies, by the way.

    Great job!

  2. thought you would like the zombies, a truly successful author has to throw a little red meat to his audience once in a while. Thanks for reading it.

    1. Haha. I'm always game for more red meat. Especially hamburger.

  3. Daniel's right, that's a pretty epic poem. You really have a natural talent for poetry Dad!

  4. I'm a poet but didn't know it, my feet did though, they're Longfellows
