Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Three Angels came last night

Angels came into Mom's room last night,
They'd come a long way—were a terrible sight.

Jesus had sent them to bring home His child,
But the Devil was watching and he was just wild.

He strutted and danced and pounded his chest,
He cussed and swore and was doing his best,

To keep them from passing and getting the one,
That Jesus had told them was weary for home.

"She's mine! she's mine! I'm taking her home!"
He shrieked and the words chilled to the bone.

"Look at her body! Look at her face!
she's crippled and gnarled she belongs in my place!"

"I've worked long and hard for death and disease!
Don't rob me now of the prize I will seize!"

They fought him and wrestled—that Devil is strong.
The three of them battled him half the night long.

Finally, so weary they took out the Book,
To show him her name, the Devil wouldn’t look.

With clawed fingers he grasped at the pages to tear,
He wickedly flailed in raging despair.

"I hate those words-they mean nothing to me!
Only what I say is how it will be!"

They pulled back the book away from his grasp,
Then the three of them painted a scene from the past.

The Devil, he howled and he covered his face,
He saw they had painted the Cross and God’s grace.

They told him again how he’d acted that day,
Long ago when he thought he had captured his prey.

How he'd strutted and cursed and screamed, “Christ is dead!”
…til the stone rolled away, crushing his head.

With that- the Angel's words held him at bay;
and once they had passed he slithered away.

Soon they arrived from their long delayed flight,
Weary and worn from a terrible fight.

We let them come in—our Mother had died,
While they had been fighting, we’d prayed by her side.

They brushed off their robes and straightened their wings,
And said not to worry about anything.

Soon they were busy with flowers and jewels,
They fashioned it all without any tools.

Some how they made her pretty again,
With flowing black hair and baby soft skin.

With flowers and jewels woven into the robe
she was all the more beautiful sight to behold.

They lifted her gently, for she was asleep,
To take her to Jesus, the first one to meet.

After that meeting she’d see all the rest,
And be with them there forever and blessed.

We thanked the dear angels and fell to our knees,
They quickly said, “Stop! Don’t worship us, please!”

Then they painted a scene of the Cross and God’s grace,
And gently took Mother asleep from her place.

We kissed her goodbye with tears on our face,
and watched as it seemed they just vanished in space.

Then turning our gaze to the Cross and God's grace
We said "Thank you Lord Jesus" with uplifted face.

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