Sunday, May 27, 2012

I didn't buy a gift this year

I didn't buy a gift this year
as Mother's day came near.

I didn't join the shopping throng
because this year my Mom is gone.

I didn't have to try to buy
a gift that passed her frugal eye.

No need to lie about the price
to make Mom think the gift was nice.

For she would fret and stew
if dollars spent were more than few.

So now that game is at an end
of buying and lying and pretend.

Do you think since Mom's not here
she could be causing trouble there?

Would she say the Streets of Gold
are too costly? Has God been told?

Would the Feast of Celebration
find her threatening starvation?

Food that comes from Heaven's deli
is too rich for her poor belly.

She prefers the Dollar Store
-better prices -get lots more.

Would she feast on gingersnaps
and save her money for some tacks
to hang some funny little things
in a palace built for kings?

Puzzled angels look to see
bright fake flowers by a tree.

And what's that hanging from a branch?
a Halloween ghost?  Not a chance!

-But that's what it looks like the angel said
it must be a hanging robe, but- why does it have a head?

So we make adjustments here
because we lost our Mother dear.
They also make adjustments there
to fit Mom in and show they care.

Now if you die and go to heaven
and see a clock stuck on eleven
You will know it came about
Cuz Mom wouldn't let them throw it out.

The wine and feasts won't taste the same
as they did before she came
the food keeps heating on the stove
Mom says it never will get old.

The robes of white she has to dye
to match the shoes she had to buy

So if you think that Heaven's worse
then what you thought that it would be
it's all because Mom got there first
and set in place austerity.